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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Love, originally uploaded by Jenniferschwalm.

I am so very fortunate that my angels love each other very much. There is very little sibling rivalry. They share with each other, care for each other and play with each other beautifully. I just adore how Will had to reach back and touch his brother to connect himself to him. Those two are going to be trouble someday b/c the little one just adores the big one. It is going to be endless trouble or endless heartache b/c Will is left out. I'm guessing that they will be comrades and mischief makers together - Walker just doesn't have the mean spirit to turn his brother down. Maggie . . . she's another story all together. If she isn't reigning queen of the universe around here, I don't know who is. Will does give her a run for her money - and I swear that even as a 1 year old, he knows exactly what buttons to push to agitate and upset her. Ever the drama queen, Maggie of course gets all bent out of shape over the smallest of offenses, but it is interesting to see how easily they have developed this push and push back relationship. It never is push and shove - they just test the limits with each other then come to a compromise. I pray they will all continue to be good friends as they grow up.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, Jen that is so adorable.

    I think your so right. It is wonderful to have children who genuinely care for one another! They will have their moments when they get older, but as long as you keep encouraging and showing them to love and include everyone, they will continue to do it. I love to see the pride reflected from one child onto another...there is nothing like it in this world!

    Love the pictures and I hope you guys have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
