This event has me at the level of anticipation I haven't felt since I was a tween and my parents got my sister and me tickets to see "Tiffany" at the Clearfield County Fair.

What event has me in a tweenish-twitter?
Given the level of anticipation and excitement I have regarding this event, you can imagine how my heart dropped when I went to the Barnes and Noble website today and saw that the event had been CANCELLED! I seriously thought I was going to be a little sick.
I called the store to confirm the disappointing news and all she could tell me was that the event was cancelled at her store but it was still happening SOMEWHERE IN PITTSBURGH!
What? Granted, Pittsburgh is a small city, but you can imagine how many bookstores are in the greater Pittsburgh area!
Thankfully, the PW website has a book tour schedule and I was able to find the new venue information relatively easy.
I've still got The Pioneer Woman on my schedule for Monday, March 19.
I'm so excited. It's ridiculous how excited I am to see her. Like, so excited that my imagination is running away with the thought that if I don't share the fact that the venue has been changed for the event, people won't find out about it and I will be the only person to show up for the book signing.
Seriously? What is wrong with me. And how scary is that thought!? Don't be scared, Ree. I promise, I'm pretty normal.
Disappointment Averted. I can continue with enjoying this beautiful, warm, sunny day.