Will has made the great migration from baby food to all table food. It has been challenging figuring out what to give him since of late, my children have only wanted to eat corn on the cob and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Will, fortunately, loves jelly sandwiches and has been able to enjoy that delight with his siblings.
The other night while preparing supper, I offered Will a popsicle to keep him quiet and entertained while I finished our meal.

I was making enchiladas - I ran the risk but thought if I disquised the fact that it was an enchildada by calling it "confetti beef" and adding black beans and corn to the mixture, the children would gobble it up. (I'm doing a lot of disguising stuff within stuff these days. I'm going to ask my sister, Katie, to borrow her copy of the Jessica Seinfeld cookbook that came out last year with all the recipes on how to disguise good food in foods kids will eat.)
No gobbling at his house! Walker had a melt down saying he didn't like "Fetti beef." And, true to form, Maggie pushed her plate away and said, "Ca- ca. Me eat o-gurt, Momma." So, the older two ate left over hamburgers, yogurt and corn on the cob. Oooh - variety!
Will, however, scarfed down the confetti beef like a champ, never even letting on he could taste the mexican seasonings in the beef. He ate so much and so well, I had to bath him following his adventure. Of course, what better place to bathe a baby than in the kitchen sink. For those of you not familiar with this concept, it allows a lot of flexibility in the kitchen. Will was able to sit in the sink while I finished clearing dishes, wiping the counter and sweeping the floor. Additionally, somehow he managed to grab a brownie off the plate sitting next to the sink and enjoy a sweet treat during his bath. What better way for a
baby to eat a gooey, sticky brownie than in the tub.

You just drain the water and start again.

After his bath, I put him in the cutest velor Pajamas that my Aunt Alicia had given him when he was born. I was afraid we may have missed our chance with them since they were size 6 month and he's 10 months, but luckily, they ran big and he looked so adorable all cleaned up and in his baby pajamas. I hate the fact that he is losing his babyish-ness. He's starting to let go of things while he is standing, balancing for a few seconds before he realizes he is doing it all by himself. If he is like his siblings, he'll be walking in 3 weeks or so. : ( I'm gonna go cry now.
Look at his little curls forming in the back. How cute is he?