Last night Erik took the kids to the rodeo and left me home with Willie J.

Despite all the laundry, we had some cute moments here today. Erik is in the process of brush hogging (mowing) some of our fields our lots that we have for sale. Some folks are interested in the lots, so they wanted to see it mowed. Maggie & Walker tagged along with him today - Walker found lots of black berries and picked us a cup full. Maggie just followed along with her baby. She is so into role playing mommy.
So, a few pictures to document our day:

Because the kids got home from the Rodeo so late, we just let them sleep in their clothes. Except they always like to take off their pants when they sleep. So, here is how Walker woke up this morning.
Wanting to play . . .

"No shoes, No Shirt, No Service . . . NO PROBLEM!"
And our resident movie star cow-girl . . . Heaven forbid she be seen without her glasses. Are the Paps going to be taking pictures of her like this someday?

Willie J
Before breakfast on the left and after breakfast on the right. He needed a bath - and decided to have a spot of tea during his tubby.
My farmers. Working so hard Maggie May fell asleep in her daddy's arms. She's a good momma - still clutching her baby.