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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Not Going To Lie

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

Prior to meeting Erik, I had no interest in trucks, tractors, trailers, livestock let alone farming.  GASP!

I know, I have probably bowled you over.  Grandpa is rolling over in his grave!  Well, push your jaw back up and let me explain.

This is kind of  funny, because of the two of us, and despite the fact he spent many years in 4H raising and showing rabbits, I am the one with a more agricultural background.  Sure, I went to the County Fair as a kid, but only because it was just seven miles away AND, primarily because it was the only thing to do.

I could have never imagined that my life would to some extent revolve around farm shows, county fairs and tractor pulls.  That's not even to mention what is going to happen once our kids are old enough to show goats in goat shows.

We are about to embark on our annual trip to the PA State Farm Show.  I have to admit, I've come to look forward to it as a little mini vacation.  No cooking or cleaning for a few days, a HUGE facility to explore.  Free Turkey Hill ice cream samples!  Fried Mozzarella cubes, milkshakes, 

an afternoon trip to Hershey World!  What more can a girl ask for?

More importantly, this trip has become a tradition.  We have developed the same system for booking a hotel room and the last 3 years, have stayed at the same hotel.  We have developed a system for eating on a budget, keeping the kids entertained, etc.  Already the kids are able to say, "Remember when we did  . . .?"  It's exciting to me that they will have these memories of their early childhood.  

So maybe we won't make it to Disney World anytime soon.  It's kind of refreshing that our kids find the world of agriculture just as exciting.  What other "amusement" could educate them on the people who grow the products that feed, clothe and shelter us?  Pretty amazing.

The photos were taken a few years ago, but you'll see the kids having a great time!

Walker learning how much "boy power" it takes to actually produce enough electricity to power a lightbulb.

Walker in front of a sow with 10 baby piglets.

Maggie tries her hand at "milking a cow"

Walker tells the exhibitor "this is hard!"

You also get to sit in some great machinery!

It may be simple, but this little trip makes us all happy.  

Just ask Walker

Here are some links to various PA newspapers with articles about the show.  And if you have a chance, take the time to go.  Admission is free, and Hotwire can find you a hotel room for under $75 a night!

Altoona Mirror

Lancaster Online

Centre Daily Times

PA State Farm Show Website

Monday, January 10, 2011

Engaging An Imagination

Some of my most favorite moments of motherhood are engaging my kids imaginations.  I had the rare chance to capture some video of Maggie using her imagination the other day.  Unfortunately, it also highlighted some of the things she sees/hears around here regularly!
