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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random moments

I haven't been keeping up to date too well, but while browsing through my photo files today I thought I'd just post a bunch of pictures and tell you about the moment.  Basically, the summer in review!

Swimming at Armco Park in Slippery Rock on one of the few nice days this summer.
The kids wait on the side of the pool until adult swim is over.
Will was such a little fish this summer.  I'd love to put him in swimming lessons but he's not old enough yet!
The sad reality of what happens to little boys when they don't make boy dress up shoes.
Will at a parade sucking on his lollipops.
Nana plays bowling on the Wii
Chris's 5th birthday party.
Will eats at the birthday party.
The friends and family at Chris's birthday
This was just after the wind blew out Chris's birthday candles before he got to!
More family!
Will tried so hard to hit the pinata at the birthday party but he couldn't reach.  Heaven forbid I try to help him though - he screamed and cried when I tried lifting him up so he could actually hit the pinata.
Waker takes a turn.
Katie made this adorable carousel cake for Chris's birthday.  unfortunately, the heat made the colors of the candy on the cake.